Heaven at 15° 35’ 21.3" N and 74° 25’57.2" E
Having sweated it out at the railway reservation counter two days earlier for a tatkal ticket in the 3 tier a/c Rani Chennamma Express had drained me enough.
Our journey to The Hermitage began on the 13th of April in the backdrop of riots in Bangalore – seems to be quite a normal redecorating that is done ever so often by people in Bangalore.
Reached Khanapur the next day at around 8.30am. Our pickup was delayed by about 30mts. From there we traveled due west for about 30mts (20km from Khanapur, 2km frm Shiroli). There’s no board that indicates The Hermitage and the closest village is Nersa (2Km away). Bearing wise, The Hermitage is located at 15° 35’ 21.3" N and 74° 25’57.2" E.
We were put up in the ‘Kadaba’- a rather primitive looking hut from the outside, which belies what it looks like on the inside. Very tasteful decoration.

The highpoint so far was the loo. Something you definetely want to check out if you are adventurous.
Look Ma, no roof!!!

A trek was suggested after a sumptous lunch that consisted of locally organically grown vegetables, and an absolutely amazing chicken with Persian lime - Mori is queen out here!!!
we started out on our trek at around 4.30pm (a little late??). David, being the mountain goat he is waltzed around the trail, while yours truly panted up every step. The better half seemed to be enjoying herself walking up and probably was my only inspiration at the time to go on!!
winding thru lots of bamboo, we came up to 15deg 34' 36.9" by 74deg 25' 6.7" - A piece of heaven, with the western ghats thrown in for good measure!!

A crab seemed to come out of nowhere (actually from a rock nearby). David explained that they do that only when they sense rain. Fine specimen this. If the city folk got to know of this one, we'd probably be worshipping these things in temples on the roadside in Bangalore - probably would take a load of the met office then!!
Anyways, with that crustacean warning, we started back, winding our way thru a tribal village and reaching home base at around 7.30pm, pitch dark, but ok with the torches. After a cold refreshing bath (in the open air bathroom), we settled down to another splendid meal of leek soup, vegetables and fish- Mori at her usual best. Once done with the spectacular rava like pudding, we settled into a chat. Out of nowhere it started to pour, and pour like we wouldn't see tomorrow!!!. The short walk from the dining area to the Kadaba soaked us completely. Ever given the excuse that you could't brush your teeth before bed coz it was raining cats, dogs, and maybe a few deer too? this was a good time to use it!!!
Saw some spectacular fog at around 3 in the morning, but was too lazy (cold outside) to enjoy it.
The next morning brought an interesting variety of birds out into the open- robins, bulbul's, neddle tailed swifts, red ringed parakeets, leaf birds and the omnipresent crow. Was lucky to get them on camera, even if I had to get into digital mode to do so!!! Shots were'nt postcard or print quality, but made an interesting morning.
After breakfast, set off to river Pansira. I planted myself at 15deg 32' 52.9" by 74deg 19' 2.9" and refused to go ahead. the group walked ahead for about 45mts. Got a chance to relax in the water, with a few bulbuls for company. BLISSSSSSS!!!!!
On the way back, saw a bee eater, and a drongoe.
I'll stop here coz I have no time to write, but will nclude night time pictures of the Kadaba and dining area.

Go to the Hermitage if you want to be part of Nature, and if you want amazing hosts pampering your every primal fancy. Oh, did I mention there is no electricity in the staying area??
Believ it or not, there are no mosquitos!! All nearby streams/rivers have gambusia fish that eat the mosquito larvae, plus no stagnant water around.
Only thing I didn't like is the thought of coming back to b'lore
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